
$ 2,595.00

  • Ride Type: Women
  • Dura­tion: 5 days
  • Fit­ness: Blue Square
  • Skill: Blue Square

Imag­ine the glis­ten­ing near­by riv­er, aro­ma of a smol­der­ing fire and the taste of sump­tu­ous cheese paired with a fine wine. Shar­ing sto­ries with new friends reflect­ing on the rum­bling of the water­fall as you round­ed that one bend and the rush of let­ting go of the brakes and catching…

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July 10, 2015

10 Ways Yoga Benefits Mountain Bikers

Why com­bine moun­tain bik­ing with yoga? After all, doesn’t a post-ride ‘cerveza’ do the same trick to boost your body into rest and relax­ation mode? The beer might hit the spot, but as your mus­cles seize up, your body won’t be very pumped for a ride the next day. Yoga…


September 23, 2015

Back Pain from Mountain Biking? Here Is How to Cure it and Avert it

About the Author:Sara Bis­ton is an expe­ri­enced blog­ger who is pas­sion­ate about health and well­ness, nutri­tion and beau­ty. Sara focus­es on spread­ing pos­i­tiv­i­ty through her writ­ing, as well as edu­cat­ing and offer­ing advice on liv­ing a healthy lifestyle. Her pas­sion for healthy liv­ing became the cat­a­lyst for a major career…


March 16, 2022

Best of the Canadian Rockies Singletrack

Have you been dream­ing of rid­ing the incred­i­ble sin­gle­track of the Cana­di­an Rock­ies? If not, we encour­age you to start. We have four unfor­get­table tours lined up for you—they all have some­thing unique to offer and vary in length, loca­tion, and dif­fi­cul­ty. Rocky Moun­tain Ram­bler­Rocky Moun­tain Sin­gle­track­West Koote­nay Round-UpRocky Mountain…


September 30, 2021

Calling All Lady Shredders

For all the ladies (cis, trans, and non-bina­ry) look­ing to leave the men at home while you kick back and catch some flowy sin­gle­track with just the girls—we’ve got you cov­ered! Sacred Rides cur­rent­ly offers 4 unique women’s moun­tain bike tours (with more in the works). Moun­tain Bike Mec­ca of…


January 29, 2016

Feeling Tired? 5 Habits to Feel More Energized!

Today’s guest post is from Steven Moniz — Founder, Strength and Con­di­tion­ing Coach at Mon­vi­da Sports Inc.  Nev­er under­es­ti­mate sleep! As ath­letes and moun­tain bik­ers, we are con­stant­ly look­ing for ways to improve and increase our per­for­mance, both on and off the trail. Lifts can increase pow­er, big climbs can increase…


May 4, 2017

Fernie Mountain Biking: The Top 10 Trails

Hey, My name is Ryan and I’m the Ride Direc­tor and Lead Guide for Sacred Rides British Colum­bia. I’ve been in a steady rela­tion­ship with bikes for about 32 years. I enjoy a wide vari­ety of bik­ing; be it all day all moun­tain, full speed down­hill, free-ride, dirt jumps, trials,…


January 3, 2015

Photo Journal: Pura Vida Yoga and Mountain Bike Retreat, Costa Rica

Sun Salu­ta­tions on a trop­i­cal beach.  White warm sand nes­tled between your toes.  Thoughts of the days ride induce a smile ear to ear.  The crack­le of a beach­side bon­fire off in the dis­tance.  Novem­ber 29 to Decem­ber 6, 2014 marked the launch of our inau­gur­al Pura Vida Yoga and Mountain…


February 19, 2015

Women’s Specific Mountain Bike Apparel

Mar­ti­na Halik, Raven Eye Pho­tog­ra­phy.   Ride:  Pura Vida Yoga and Moun­tain Bike Retreat)  If you’re any­thing like me (a 30+ year old female moun­tain bik­er with a full-time desk job) you are fit — with hips.  (#FitWith­Hips — new hash­tag?  I think so). #FitWith­Hips could mean: A gap­ing waist…


May 1, 2019

Yoga for Mountain Bikers: Tips and Poses

We recent­ly caught up with Sacred Rides guide Johan­na Wein­trager. Johan­na has a con­ta­gious smile and enthu­si­as­tic ener­gy, as well as an impres­sive and wide array of skills. She’s an inter­na­tion­al moun­tain bike guide, yoga instruc­tor, rock climber, sports nutri­tion con­sul­tant, for­mer XC and DH rac­er and is always eager…
